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Modelling the interactions in metaverse videogames


Player Research

Project proposed & supervised by

Ignacio Castro

To discuss whether this project could become your PhD proposal please email:

Modelling the interactions in metaverse videogames

Project proposal abstract:

What is the role of AR and VR technologies in the interactions of participants?  Do they foment or reduce social interactions and if so what type of interactions? This project will seek to inform AR and VR enabled videogames by analysing existing online platforms supporting these technologies. The project will collect comprehensive datasets from existing online metaverse platforms and analyse them using a variety of tools and techniques from social network analysis, natural language processing and economics. The findings will then be fed and compared with those from existing AR/VR videogames.

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The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Intelligent Games and Game Intelligence (iGGi) is a leading PhD research programme aimed at the Games and Creative Industries.

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