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Dr Jo Iacovides

University of York


Jo Iacovides, is a Lecturer in Computer Science at the University of York, UK. Her research interests lie in Human Computer Interaction with a particular focus on understanding the role of learning within the player experience, and on investigating complex emotional experiences in the context of digital play. In addition, she is interested in exploring how games and playful technologies can created for a range of purposes, such as education, citizen science, or wellbeing.

She is an active member of the HCI and games community and serves on the Steering Committee for the annual CHI PLAY conference. She has received awards for a work on examining reflection and gaming (best paper, CHI PLAY 2018), evaluating serious experience in games (honourable mention, CHI 2015) and for the game Resilience Challenge, which encourages healthcare practitioners to consider how they adapt safely under pressure (first prize, 2017 Annual Resilience Healthcare Network symposium).

She is interested supervising students that have a mix of qualitative, mixed method or design experience that they wish to apply to the study of digital games and playful technologies. Possible topics include exploring the effects of negative emotion in the context of playful approaches to persuasion; or examining how games can support wellbeing (particularly in relation to challenging life experiences).

Research themes:

  • Game Design

  • Games with a Purpose

  • Player Experience


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The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Intelligent Games and Game Intelligence (iGGi) is a leading PhD research programme aimed at the Games and Creative Industries.

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