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iGGi PhD Projects 2022

 Industry-led Projects 

This page displays industry-proposed PhD projects to  start September 2022.


  • The deadline for applications is  Monday 13 June, 12:00 noon BST. We strongly suggest that potential applicants contact the supervisor(s) of their chosen project to develop a proposal as soon as possible (see below).

  • The positions are  fully funded and full-time for four years starting September 2022  (PhD fees plus a tax-free stipend to cover living costs).

  • The PhD researchers will be based at  Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) 

  • The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Intelligent Games and Game Intelligence (iGGi) is the world's largest PhD programme aimed at games research, with over 70 current iGGi PhD researchers. iGGi covers a wide range of scientific and creative disciplines, encouraging team work and team play. iGGi researchers work closely with the games industry.

  • To apply please follow the instructions on our Apply page


These two projects have been proposed by our partner  Creative Assembly, one of the UK’s largest games studios which has been established for 34 years and is the author of the Total War games series. If you are interested in one of the projects and would like further details and/or to discuss, please contact the respective project supervisor(s) via the email address given in the project description. Your proposal should be developed via (email) discussion with the prospective supervisor(s). Please also make sure that the proposal you submit sits within iGGi's scope.

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The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Intelligent Games and Game Intelligence (iGGi) is a leading PhD research programme aimed at the Games and Creative Industries.

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