Dr Shringi Kumari
University of York
iGGi Alum
Shringi is a seasoned game designer with more than nine years of experience making games for companies including EA, Zynga, Bigpoint, and Wooga. She became a researcher four years ago, wondering how game designers can take inspiration from other creative fields. In her PhD, she is now studying how stage magic can be translated to games for creating believable illusions of choice and moments of surprise.
She continues to consult as a game designer for companies and has started a lecturership in game design at University of East London. In the past years she has spoken about game design across the world at a number of known platforms: Indiecade Europe, Develop, Game Happens, SOMA Chicago, GDC India to count some.
As a creative, she engages in working on disruptive design both in games and beyond. Her work reflects her Indian background and discusses universal issues of identity, need for diversity and the idea or illusion of home. She has recently published her debut poetry collection,“The Saree Shop” and has featured in a short story anthology with her story ”Garden of Vaginas”.
Shringi is supervised by Dr Sebastian Deterding (York) and Dr Gustav Kuhn (Goldsmiths).
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