Joint Writing Retreat - November 2023
Another fantastic Joint Writing Retreat was had with our colleagues at MAT, CDE and AIM this week at the beautiful High Leigh.
Feedback from the event, was, as always really positive with:
100% of respondents saying the retreat was useful and beneficial to their research/progress
96% saying they would recommend it to others
95% saying they produced more content than expected
With comments about the primary benefit of the retreat being:
Scheduled writing time and not having to worry about preparing food, chores etc
Refreshing and networking with people in a similar but different sphere made me reframe
I feel good writing in a big group. And I have good mood in here
Very focused working time and environment. More productive than the office. Very quiet and focused.
Not having to think about what food to buy and to prepare and to cook takes the mental load off to just focus on writing. It's surprising how much fretting about food preparation for the week takes out of your day.
Here is the word cloud created from the Mentimeter “poll of 3 words” to describe the retreat:

24 Nov 2023